Starting with C

Basic Programmes in C

1. Hello World in C

int main ()
printf("Hello World");
return 0;
2.Printing string in c

int main()
printf("hello there ");
printf("we can print any data using printf ");
return 0;
3.Taking Input  of different data types in C 

int main ()
int a; /*integer data type */
float b; /* floating (decimal) point data type */
char c; /* charachter data type */
char d[50]; /* String data type */
printf("Enter Integer Value:");
printf("Enter Floating Value:");
printf("Enter Charachter Value:");
printf("Enter String Value:");
printf("Integer: %d \n Floating: %f ",a,b);
printf("Char :%c\nString :%s",c,d);
return 0;
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