Function in C++(Part III)

Different Way to call a function Via argument passing techniques

Pass By Value
Pass By Pointer/Address

Pass By Reference
1. Call By Value
•    It is a default mechanism for argument passing.
•    Any changes made in the formal argument are not reflected back to the actual argument, rather they remain local to the block which is lost once the control is returned back to calling the program.

Using namespce std;
void= swap(int,int);
int main()
 int a=10,b=20;
cout<<“before swap values are :”<<a<<b;
cout<<“after swap values are”<<a<<b;
 void swap(int x, int y)
cout<<In functions values are”<<x<<y;
                  2.Pass By Pointer/Address
In this instead of passing value, address are passed.
Here formal arguments are pointers to the actual arguments
Hence change made in the argument are permanent.
void swap (int *,int *) ;
int main()
int a,b;
cout<<enter numbers”;
void swap(int *p,int *q)
int t;
t= *p;
*p= *q;
*q= t;
cout<<“In function” <<*p<<*q;

                    3.Pass By Reference
•  To create a second name for a variable in a program, you
 can generate an alias, or an alternate name.
• In C++ a variable that acts as an alias for another variable is 
called a reference variable, or simply a reference
• You declare a reference variable by placing a type
ampersand in front of a variable name, as in int &cash;
and assigning another variable of the same type to the
 reference variable
int someMoney;
int &cash = someMoney;
 A reference variable refers to the same memory address as
 does a variable, and a pointer holds the memory address of a

using namespace std;
void main()
int i=10;
int &j=i; // j is a reference variable of I
j=20;cout<<“modified value”<<i<<“\t”<<j;

void swap (int &a, int &b) 
/* &a and &b are reference variables */
int temp;
int i=5,j=10;
cout<<"Before swapping I = "<<i<<" J = "<<j<<endl;
cout<<"After swapping I = "<<i<<" J = "<<j<<endl;
•   A recursive function is a function that calls itself either directly or indirectly through another function
• We use recursion where we want the same statements or similar statements to be executed repeatedly as in the case of iterative statements
•   Whenever we are not sure about the number of times steps are to be performed, that kind of problem can be solved using a recursive function.

                    Requirements of Recursion:

1. A function must call itself again and again
2. It must have an exit condition
3. Major applications of recursion are game programming where a series of steps can be solved with recursion.
int reverse(int);
  int main()
int n,r;
  cout<<“enter number”; 
cout<<“reverse of “<<n<<“is”<<r;
  int reverse (int n) 
{  int r=0, d;
  if(n==0)  return 0;
  return (n);

1. It makes program code compact which is easier to write and understand.
2. It is used with the data structures such as link list, stack, queues etc.
3. It is useful if a solution to a problem is in repetitive form.
4. The compact code in a recursion simplifies the compilation as less number of lines need to be compiled.

1. Consume more storage space as recursion calls and automatic variables are stored in a stack.
2. It is less efficient in comparison to normal program in case of speed and execution time
3. Special care needs to be taken for stopping condition in a recursion function
4. If the recursion calls are not checked, the computer may run out of memory.