Hello World with Python!

Basics Of Python Language.

There is so much hype about python in a coding field that this is the key to everything, python is robust, this can be used everywhere for all purposes where it is about Artificial intelligence, Data science or making a web-app. libraries like Tensorflow, SciPy, SciKit, PandasKeras, and NumPy are a great library for machine learning and data science. Tkinter is used to develop GUI(Graphical User Interface) for desktop, which is prebuilt-in in python library when we download python it comes with several libraries e.g. Tkinter, Random, Math, Cmath, and many more. it becomes so simple and effective using python.

what makes python so special?

1. Easy and simple syntax.
2. Do more in less.
3. Million of libraries.

Python has million of a library for every work you can pick one and go for it. python is like addition from which you would never come out.
Let's see how python is so effective and useful.

Hello World! Programme in Different languages.

int main ()
printf("Hello World");
return 0;

using namespace std;
int main ()
cout<<"Hello World";
return 0;

public class hello {
public static void main (String [] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");

These languages took on average 4-5 lines of code which becomes difficult sometimes for beginners to grasp so python makes it very easy for them to start 

print("Hello World")

Done!, no main function or classes has been used where there is no use of the semicolon(;)  at all.
only a single line of code does all the task.

These Properties make python so useful.

For Downloading Python in Windows Click Here.
For Downloading Python In MacOs Click Here.